We've partnered with Tugg.com, which is a web-platform that connects independent films (like ours) with their fans (like you) by arranging showings at movie theaters or other private venues all over the country! We have two programs for you to choose from:
Do you think we can get 100 people from your community to come out for a screening? If so, the sign up to host a screening with Tugg by clicking the button, above!
Want to host a community screening at a non-theatrical venue? Tugg can help by providing you with a public performance license and DVD or Blu-Ray to do so! Click here to get started.
If you have any questions, please contact Tugg at communityscreenings@tugginc.com
Tugg’s Promoter Walkthrough will guide you through the process of hosting a screening and getting the most out of your event!
The process is simple:
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Tugg Team at support@tugginc.com.